Showing posts with label Klevah. Show all posts

New Video - Klevah "The Process"

One of the Midwest's fiercest femcees, Klevah drops her trippy new video "The Process". Known for her insane lyrical abili...


New Videos- "Golden" package.

For TheGr8thinkaz thinking outside of the box is the norm. With Gr8 Sky releasing a cassette earlier this year it should come as no sur...


New Album- Klevah "Golden"

TheGr8Thinkaz continue their tradition of lyrically inclined hip hop with the release of Klevah's "Golden". Taking a qu...


New Music- Klevah "hands UP"

The female quarter of the Gr8thinkaz, Klevah delivers her new solo single "hands UP". Layering multi-syllable flows over a JR...


New Music- Chase Baby Featuring Klevah "Red Floors"

Chase Baby continues on his quest to drop dope lyrically inclined music on a regular basis. On his latest single he links up with 1/4 o...

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